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Цена: 700 руб.

Большой сборник игр включает:
1. Contra 1
2. Jackal
3. Life Force
4. Rush'n'Attack
5. Top Gun
6. Whomp' Em
7. Kero Kero Keroppi 2
8. Pleasant Goat
9. Super Angry Birds
10. Saint
11. Contra 2
12. Contra 3
13. Contra 6
14. Contra 7
15. Contra 8
16. Kage
17. Final Mission
18. Double Dragon 1
19. Double Dragon 2
20. Double Dragon 3
21. Double Dragon 4
22. Chip & Dale 1
23. Chip & Dale 2
24. Chip & Dale 3
25. Robocop 1
26. Robocop 2
27. Robocop 3
28. Robocop 4
29. Tiny Toon 1
30. Tiny Toon 2
31. Tiny Toon 3
32. Ninja Gaiden 1
33. Ninja Gaiden 2
34. Ninja Gaiden 3
35. Hot Blood Wrestle
36. Hot Blood Story
37. Hot Blood Soccer 1
38. Hot Blood March
39. Adventure Island
40. Adventure Island 2
41. Adventure Island 3
42. Adventure Island 4
43. Ninja Turtles 1
44. Ninja Turtles 4
45. Street Fighter 201
46. Kick Master
47. Mighty Final Fight
48. Street Fighter
49. Mortal Kombat 4
50. Astyanax
51. Three Eyes Boy
52. Snow Bros
53. Spiderman
54. Batman
55. Kyuukyoku Tiger
56. Power Ranger
57. Gulf War
58. Bubble Bobble 2
59. Darkwing Duck
60. Kero Kero Keroppi
62. Guerilla War
63. Dead Fox
64. Power Blade 1
65. Zippy Race
66. Lunar Ball
67. Galaxian
68. Mahjong 2
69. Tetris 2
70. Naitou
71. Tank 90
72. F1 Race
73. Chinese Chess
74. Soccer
75. Lode Runner
76. Circus Charlie
77. Macross
78. Super Mario
79. Excite Bike
80. Mach Rider
81. Arkanoid
82. Legend of Kage
83. Dr. Mario
84. Tennis
85. Star Force
86. 1942
87. Pinball
88. Sky Destroyer
89. Popeye
90. Mighty Bomb Jack
91. Road Fighter
92. Muscle
93. Galaga
94. Aladdin 3
95. Ice Climber
96. Bomberman
97. Mappy
98. Harry Potter
99. Twin Bee
100. Spartan X
101. Pika Chu
102. Gradius
103. Donkey Kong 1
104. Donkey Kong 2
105. Donkey Kong 3
106. Donkey Kong 4
107. Aquarium
108. Arena
109. Air Alert
110. Awful Rushing
111. Aimless
112. Burbles
113. Burrow Explorer
114. Bug's War
115. Bomb King
116. Baseball New
117. Bubble
118. Cannonade
119. Hitmouse
120. Coast Guard
121. Cub Adventure
122. Depth Bomb
123. Devildom Doom
124. Diamond
125. Dune War
126. Firebase
127. First Defender
128. Five Days
129. Frantic Mouse
130. Fruit Dish
131. Gallagant
132. Garden War
133. Gate
134. Hallihoo
135. Hexapod New
136. Hexapod War
137. Labyrinth
138. Lunarian
139. Mad Xmas
140. Motoboat
141. Panzer Attack
142. Pobble
143. Polar Bat
144. Ruralgoblin
145. Robot
146. Season Garden
147. Shrew Mouse
148. Snowball
149. Star Fighter
150. Strafe
151. Small Dinosaur
152. Silent Hunter
153. The Archer
154. Twin Cards
155. Undersea Arena
156. Warrior
157. Abscondee
158. Aether Cruiser
159. Aim Cruise
160. P.O.W.
161. Jungle Book
162. Abarenb
163. Zoom
164. Tom and Jerry
165. Air Wolf
166. Alien 3
167. Super Spy Hunter
168. Superman
169. Sword Master
170. Taito Basketball
171. All-Pro Basketball
172. Summer Carnival 9
173. Indiana Jones
174. Race America
175. Bruve Lee 2
176. Banana Prince
177. Shatterhand
178. Rocking Kats 
179. Juuouki
180. Ninjacat
181. Gunnac
182. Ikari 3
183. Panic Restataunt
184. Wolverine
185. The legend of Pri
186. Talespin
187. Squashed
188. New Zealand Story
189. Mission Impossible
190. Monster In My Pocket
191. Gun Dec
192. Conquest of the C
193. Mario 10
194. Mario 12
195. Mario 14
196. War Wolf
197. Hot Blood Basketball
198. Hot Blood Ice Hockey
199. Hot Blood New Rec
200. Hot Blood Soccer
201. Hot Blood Volleyball
202. Silk Worm
203. Sd Fighter
204. Chase H.Q. 2
205. Ferrari
206. Temco World Cup S
207. Mario 16
208. Mario Missing
209. Home Alone 2
210. Mickey Mouse 3
211. Mickey's Adventure
212. Golf
213. Pacman
214. Joust
215. Nuts and Milk
216. Pooyan
217. Balloon Fight
218. Kung-Fu

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